LORRF’S (Legends of Rasta Reggae Festival)
2025“LOVE YOU” Challenge
“Explaining The Love You Challenge Video”
Press Announcement

By: Jillian Duhon
February1, 2025
The “LOVE YOU” Challenge powered by http://www.lorrf.com
Explaining The Love You Challenge Video
2023, was one of the most challenging times of our lives. The constant barrage of misinformation, conspiracy, and negative responses fed to the population on a global scale.
The fate to change the culture will end in disaster if left to Politicians, CEOs, Governments, Religious Leaders. All they have is the greed to control the people one way or the other.
That is why the producers are issuing The “LOVE YOU” Challenge; because the call for the change must come from the people to spread “Love.”
The creator gave us something unique, i.e., an opportunity to choose you call freewill. We can reason with logic, show compassion and love.
“Only we can change our mindset. When you pass someone, say “Love You” (not I love you) instead of a Hi or a Hello, Are Just Find Creative Ways To Just Say Love You Across Social Media Platforms; the Challenge is about persuading all of us to just say “LOVE YOU” you out of the norm by as many people of all ages in as many places using as many languages around the world as possible.” By We
Remember haters will hate anything and anyone. Even things they have agreed with and loved in the past they now dislike/hate.
Ever wondered why they changed their opinion? Did something happen?
No, they were always in their subconscious subjected to being influenced by negative energy; they just lost the hope that fuels love and now need help to recovered it; getting everyone to take the The “LOVE YOU” Challenge to help reignite their lost emotion of love. Take The Challenge and share the video across all social media and other platforms to make it posable to happen.
These are the audience we are targeting with our “LOVE YOU” challenge in hopes of changing their consciousness. Transitioning from hate to love by reminding them of love is the end goal of the “love you” challenge.
This time next year in 2023, over the next two weekends the Tour will be coming to and end. We have been diligently working on the logistics for cities and venues where we organized the festival in the past.
We are also considering a couple of new cities and historical venues (tentative) in Houston, TX, San Antonio, TX, Tucson, AZ, Sedona, AZ, Tulsa, OK, Oklahoma, City, OK, Dana Point, CA, Modesto, CA; other tour dates possible
Again, The Theme For LORRF’S 2023 (Legends of Rasta Reggae Festival) is “LOVE YOU.” The producers are challenging each and every person that believes In “LOVE” to take the challenge. You can share, tweets, tiktok and post to each of your followers across all social media platforms and of course, in-person as it has to be all about the “Love You” challenge worldwide to help change the narrative from Hate to Love.
We, the people, have the power to help those who have lost sight of love. So, we are optimistic about making a difference by April 2023 in the name of “LOVE”.
“Love You Challenge”
LORRF Producers
the Theme for LORRF’S 2023(Legends of Rasta Reggae Festival) is “LOVE YOU” (Formerly the Annual Bob Marley Festival Tour)
Contact: (713) 866-4006 [email protected]
Dates/Times: Saturdays& Sundays from12:00 PM-10 or 11:00 PM
Location: TBA www.lorrf.com * www.LegendsofRastaReggaeFestival.com
Benefits: National and Local charities that benefit Housing for The Homeless and Food for The Hungry with Compassion vetted 501(c)(3) organizations
$75 GA: pre-sale, (service charges may apply) $100 GA: day of the show, available at Ticket Outlets and www.lorrf.com * www.legendsofrastareggaefestival.com from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM. Veterans Free
Fans can get a 50% off if they wear a Tour T-Shirt From any Year from Noon to 2:00 PM. There is an also a $10 discount with a donation of $50 in nonperishable food and cash to the local area Food Bank not eligible with other discounts.
Relying on Governments, Politicians, Religious Leaders and CEOs to be the agent of change is a lost cause. All they care about is to gain control over the masses.
This has inspired the producers to issue The “LOVE YOU” Challenge. It is about time that people lead the change to spread “Love.”
The Almighty gave us a unique gift; an opportunity to choose for ourselves – free will. Free will is why we can think logically, show compassion, and love another. Only we have the power to change our mindset. Say “Love You” (not I love you) when you pass someone instead of a standard greeting of a Hi or a Hello.
Seeing people of all religions, races, and political backgrounds enjoying the festival full of love and being affectionate towards each other, and having fun is a blessing in itself.
The inspiration for the festival theme is all about two words, “Love You,” a positive message mutually shared by both the performers and fans attending.
“Local, well-known, and rising stars have an open invitation to partner with the festival. This also includes invitations to reggae & world music legends to honor during the Tour. However, there are “special considerations and preferences given to “Women,” Event Producers.
About the Festival & The Drive To Help Those in Need
With increasing security costs and changing city venue requirements, it has been challenging to expand the festival’s reach. However, the festival helps bridge the gaps of divisiveness in America and increases the influence of Reggae and World Music, making it a worthwhile effort. Therefore, the producers decided to make “Love You” the theme and mission of this year’s festival.
We will be providing local food banks with VIP packages for anyone that agrees to volunteer at the food bank one day a week, four times a month. Asking the public for bags of non-perishable foods, donations, and discount admission benefiting local charities began in the early eighties. It has always been the mission of LORRF (formally the Bob Marley Festival Tour) from day one.
“Caring is just a reflection of the diversity of the festival participants. Their love for Reggae and World Beat’s music delivers a message of helping the underprivileged by providing food for the hungry and helping the homeless. It is just who they are,” Says Sirron Kyles, executive producer, and founder.
This year the producers are expanding their efforts by focusing on helping small vendors. (Vendors must register at www.lorrf.com to be eligible and considered for vendor fees waiver. Fans and sponsors’ crowd-funding campaigns are the driving force behind these efforts.)
Normal Dates and Times: SAT & SUN Start Noon and End at 11:00 PM | SUN End 10:00 PM: Locations: TBA and always Benefiting Local & National Organizations: That Provides “Food For The Hungry And Help For The Homeless.”
Inquiries for more information can be directed to the executive producers.
LORRF C/O Executive Producers
Legends of Rasta Reggae Festival
PO Box 8305 | Houston, TX.- 77288
713-866-4006, 408-506-0913
[email protected] * www.legendsofrastareggaefestival.com | www.LORRF.com
Normal Dates/Times: SAT. & SUN. Start Noon * End-11:00 PM * SUN END 10:00 PM: Locations: TBA
Benefiting Local Organization: That Provides “Food For The Hungry And Help For The Homeless”
Admission: Tickets On Sale TBA
Day Of Show Donation Admission: Noon To 2:00 PM To 4:00 PM Cash Donation TBA Or Family Size Bag of Non-perishable Food.
The Legends Of Rasta Reggae Festival, formally the Bob Marley Festival Tour, (LORRF) Powered Worldwide by MasterMindsManagementGroup.org
Off Stage Activities
One of the long-standing and very popular activities of the Festival is the Drum Circle, where fans are invited to bring their drums and participate with other drummers and music from the Drum Stage. P
Tattoo Village (Some Markets)
A new attraction to the Festival, with US Top Tattoo artists creating Ink Art in safe and sterile environments offering permanent, temporary or Henna tattoos. Also, sponsored Tattoo removal shops will be set up to provide Ink removal and make future
Food Court & Arts & Crafts Market = Diversity is never more prominent than with the vendors that are selected to be with us on the Tour. Many fans plan on attending the event each year because of the selection of quality eatables served: from island favorites to the best of traditional and popular festival home-style goodies, with something for everyone´s delight at the Festival’s Food Court.
Fans that have attended LORRF understand this, as the event draws shoppers and fans from in and outside America.
The unique gifts and items sold by the Arts & Crafts Market’s vendors, who are selected because of the products they sell, will definitely appeal to fans of the event. A core group of vendors selected will travel from city to city with the Tour. Click To Register For Vendor Space
Sirron Kyles Executive Producer
The Legends Of Rasta Reggae Festival, formally the Bob Marley Festival Tour, (LORRF) is always about “HOPE”, Love, Unity and messages from Bob Marley’s songs.
Powered Worldwide by MaterMindsManagementGroup.org
PO Box 8305
Houston, Texas 77288
713-866-4006 LORRF * 310-288-3622 MMMG